Dawn simulator, finally a choice was made!

orbkit lichtwekkerOnce upon a time i wrote an article about buying a dawn simulator. After searching the whole internet i came to the conclusion that all sunrise simulators are ugly or do not match its purpose. Luckily i found a small webshop in France which sells beautifull dawn simulators! The site popped up just before i was going to purchase an ugly one. A small picture can be seen on the right, its a white orb with a lamp-controller on the side.

Programming the controller is very easy. Make sure the ALARM ON is set if you want to wake up to it though. Also use the beeper function just in case. I rate it 6 out of 5 stars.

You can order it here:


Please use elgerjonker.nl as a reference if you order one, no i dont get referrer money.

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