Superbatsie came across an oldschool Dutch flyer regarding a semi-christian organization called “Naar House”. It associates House music with satan and warns of the unrepairable damage house music can inflict on your soul.
The flyer i got was photograph, so i decided to remake it to a high-res print-ready version. What shame when such a valuable document could not be reprinted (and burned) anymore.
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Above: the original. | Above: the reconstruction [small] [medium] [huge] |
Download the A4 sized, 300dpi version here: [huge] [medium] [small]
Enjoy! 🙂
Did you know there are tons of Christian metal groups? Yes there are, and not even half bad.
Update: welcome to 2012: NOOOOOOOOOO the ‘Naar House’ foundation still exists. It is now targeting all popular music. In their seemingly-happy-colorful-educational material, link, you can read that pop music annihilates all you hold dear. It’s stuff nobody cares about. Let it stay that way. ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD.
OMG, uit de gelinkte materiaal :
“Waarom werd door Adolf Hitler en zijn trawanten aanstekelijke en opzwepende marsmuziek ten gehore gebracht? (Om de massa op te zwepen en enthousiast te maken voor het Nationaal Socialisme).”
Goodwin argument in lesmateriaal…. faal