Cleaning the revspace floortiles with a pressure cleaner comes with options. Awesome options. After some initial brainstorming and instant-proof-of-concepts the idea landed; we need a logo at our entrance. Can we fix that instantly? Yes of course!
It turned out to be easy; within 3 hours of work we realized a life-size RevSpace logo. Check it out and apply it to wherever whenever: its easy and it rocks.
Welcome to RevSpace!

First we started with a projector; which Stitch and Ikarus aligned and stabilized matching the side of the Revspace entrance.

Next; we use tape. A lot of tape. With two people it took too long, so Juerd and FooBar joined the party. We used up all the tape available in the space, but unfortunately that wasn’t enough. GMC rushed home to get more and that worked out. We only had about 20 centimeters of tape left! 🙂

Taping takes about 3 rolls of tape and 2 hours:

Spot cleaning the tiles with pressurized water only takes about 15 minutes:

Final cleaning for dramatic contrast enhancement effect:

Removing the tape:

End Result: WIN!

The following day, in bright daylight (image rotated 180 degrees):

Thanks to Ikarus, Juerd, FooBar, Stitch and GMC.